The cost-of-living crisis and sixth formers

The cost-of-living crisis and sixth formers
Date24th Oct 2022AuthorJames KewinCategoriesPolicy and News

This article was originally published in the Campaign for Learning's pamphlet, Learning in the Cold: The cost-of-living crisis and post-16 education and skills, as 'The cost-of-living crisis and 16-19 year-olds in full-time further education.'

Financial support for 16-19 year-olds was already creaking before the cost-of-living crisis hit, but the spike in demand for support from sixth form college students this year has accelerated the need for the system to undergo a radical overhaul.

The Impact on Students

Many colleges have seen a significant increase in the number of students applying for the 16-19 bursary fund – the main source of student financial support funding (outside the mainstream benefits system). There has been a greater demand for free meals alongside reduced footfall in college canteens. More students are reporting that they cannot afford to go on educational visits or university open days.

A growing number of young people are working longer hours alongside their studies to make ends meet, with some eventually dropping out of education altogether when the pressure becomes too much. Plus, simply getting to college is now unaffordable for some students in areas without subsidised bus or rail fares.

Given all of the above, it is unsurprising that growing numbers of students are choosing to leave full-time education to enter the workplace or start an apprenticeship. For some young people, that will be the right pathway, but we must guard against students leaving college primarily because they cannot afford to participate in full-time education.

The Solution: Boost Funding and Reduce Bureaucracy

At a headline level, the Government can help sixth form colleges to address these problems by doing two things: boosting student support funding and reducing the associated bureaucracy. Increasing the size of the 16-19 bursary fund and providing colleges with more flexibility to determine the students that are eligible, and the support that is needed, would be a welcome first step. While colleges can currently set their own eligibility criteria, this must comply with the conditions and funding rules set by the Government and delivery is subject to audit. We need to create a higher trust environment where colleges can tailor support to meet the needs of students and adopt innovative approaches to delivery, even when they may not be in line with ‘traditional’ regulations.

A Higher Free Meal Rate

The free meal rate of £2.41 per student has not changed since the policy was first introduced almost a decade ago. Even before food prices started to rise, it was very difficult to provide students with a decent meal for this.

A minimum rate of £5 per student would be more realistic and would enable funds that are currently used to supplement free meals to be used on other elements of student support. The flexibility and funding to provide more than one meal a day would also be welcome – weighing up whether to have breakfast or lunch is a decision that no student should have to make.

More Help with 16-19 Travel Costs

For some students, the cost-of-living crisis has meant that simply getting to college is a challenge. The 16-19 bursary fund is used to help with the cost of travel, but this is a good example of an issue that now affects many students, not just those that are eligible for bursary support. Transport costs are already starting to have an impact on attendance and retention in sixth form colleges and can dissuade students from attending university open days and other events that help to raise aspirations. Free or heavily subsidised travel should be extended to all 16-19 year-olds in England along the lines of the Our Pass system that currently operates in Greater Manchester.

Keeping Colleges Open for Longer

The impact of the cost-of-living crisis is also not limited to students that would historically access the 16-19 bursary fund or free meals – the need for support is becoming increasingly widespread, and so the system must evolve to reflect this. The need for support is also not limited to term time. Funding for colleges to stay open before and after the traditional college day and during the holidays would enable institutions to provide students with the warmth and food they need to study that they may not be receiving at home.

Action Today

The cost-of-living crisis is disproportionately affecting disadvantaged students, while simultaneously creating more disadvantaged students. The Government’s response must be targeted and immediate.

Recommendation 1: HM Treasury and the Department for Education should increase the size of the 16-19 bursary fund in England and provide colleges with more flexibility to determine the students that are eligible and the support that is needed.

Recommendation 2: HM Treasury and the Department for Education should increase the free meal rate to at least £5 per student and allow colleges the flexibility and funding to provide breakfast as well as lunch when it is needed.

Recommendation 3: The Department for Education and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities should introduce a free or heavily subsidised travel pass for all 16-19 year-olds in England, along the lines of the Our Pass system that currently operates in Greater Manchester.

James Kewin is Deputy Chief Executive of the Sixth Form Colleges Association, and leads on our policy work.​

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