Consultation Responses

SFCA Responses to Consultations

SFCA response to Ofsted's Big Listen, May 2024SFCA response to the Advanced British Standard consultation, March 2024SFCA response to the Minimum Service Levels consultation, January 2024

SFCA response to Ucas deadline consultation, November 2023SFCA response to Ofsted complaints process consultation, September 2023SFCA response to the Skills for Jobs consultation, August 2022SFCA resonse to the SEND Review: Right support, right place, right time, July 2022 SFCA response to higher education reform proposals, May 2022SFCA response to review of post-16 qualifications at Level 2 and below in England, April 2022SFCA response to Ofqual consultation on regulating Level 3 vocational and technical qualifications, April 2022SFCA response to Education Select Committee inquiry into Post-16 Qualifications, January 2022SFCA response to DfE and Ofqual consultation on contingency plans for awarding A levels and GCSEs in 2022, October 2021

SFCA response to DfE and Ofqual consultation on awarding A levels and GCSEs in 2022, July 2021SFCA response to DfE's consultation on Post Qualifications Admissions, May 2021

SFCA response to DfE consultation on changes to the High Needs National Funding Formula, March 2021

SFCA response to DfE and Ofqual consultation on awarding A levels and GCSEs in 2021, January 2021SFCA response to DfE second wave consultation on post-16 level 3 qualifications, January 2021NJC response to HMT consultation on transitional public service pension protection, October 2020 SFCA response to HMT consultation on transitional public service pension protection, October 2020SFCA response to Ofqual consultation on VTQ assessment arrangements in Summer 2021 August 2020

SFCA response to Ofqual consultation on A level and GCSE exam arrangements in Summer 2021, July 2020SFCA response to Ofqual consultation on marking for vocational and technical qualifications in Summer 2020, May 2020SFCA response to Ofsted consultation on reforming the complaints process, April 2020SFCA response to Ofqual consultation on marking for general qualifications in Summer 2020 March ,2020SFCA response to DfE consultation on lifting the inspection exemption for Outstanding colleges February, 2020SFCA response to National Audit Office value-for-money study on managing colleges’ financial sustainability, February 2020

SFCA response to LGPS Consultation, July 2019SFCA response to DfE Consultation on funding for SEND, July 2019SFCA response to DfE level 3 qualification review, June 2019SFCA response to DfE 16-19 bursary allocations methodology consultation, May 2019SFCA response to Ofsted Consultation, April 2019


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